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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - spill


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~1 past tense and past participle spilt, especially BrE spilled especially AmE v 1 if you spill a liquid or if it spills, it accidentally flows over the edge of a container  (spill sth down/on/over)  (Oh no! I've spilt coffee all down my shirt!) + on/over  (He slipped and the wine spilled all over the carpet.) 2 if people spill out of somewhere, they move out in large groups + out/into/onto etc  (Crowds from the theatre were spilling onto the street.) 3 spill the beans informal to tell something that someone else wanted you to keep a secret 4 spill your guts AmE to tell someone everything you know about something, especially because you are upset  (some drunk spilling his guts to me at the bar) 5 spill blood literary to kill or wound people  (- see also cry over spilt milk cry1 (5)) spill over phr v if a problem or bad situation spills over, it spreads and begins to affect other places, people etc + into  (There is a danger that the conflict will spill over into neighbouring towns.) ~2 n 1 an act of spilling something or an amount of something that is spilled  (oil spill)  (The oil spill in Alaska threatens ecological catastrophe.) 2 a piece of wood or twisted paper for lighting lamps, fires etc 3 old-fashioned a fall from a horse, bicycle etc
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  (spills, spilling, spilled, spilt) Note: American English uses the form 'spilled' as the past tense and past participle. British English uses either 'spilled' or 'spilt'. 1. If a liquid spills or if you spill it, it accidentally flows over the edge of a container. 70,000 tonnes of oil spilled from the tanker... He always spilled the drinks... Don’t spill water on your suit. VERB: V adv/prep, V n, V n adv/prep, also V 2. A spill is an amount of liquid that has spilled from a container. She wiped a spill of milkshake off the counter... An oil spill could be devastating for wildlife. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. If the contents of a bag, box, or other container spill or are spilled, they come out of the container onto a surface. A number of bags had split and were spilling their contents... He carefully balanced the satchel so that its contents would not spill out onto the floor. VERB: V n, V adv/prep 4. If people or things spill out of a place, they come out of it in large numbers. Tears began to spill out of the boy’s eyes... VERB: V adv/prep 5. to spill the beans: see bean thrills and spills: see thrill ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~ed; also spilt; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; akin to Old English spildan to destroy and perhaps to Latin spolium animal skin, Greek sphallein to cause to fall  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. archaic kill, destroy  b. to cause (blood) to be lost by wounding  2. to cause or allow especially accidentally or unintentionally to fall, flow, or run out so as to be lost or wasted  3.  a. to relieve (a sail) from the pressure of the wind so as to reef or furl it  b. to relieve the pressure of (wind) on a sail by coming about or by adjusting the sail with lines  4. to throw off or out a horse ~ed him  5. to let out ; divulge ~ a secret  intransitive verb  1.  a. to flow, run, or fall out, over, or off and become wasted, scattered, or lost water ~ing over the dam  b. to cause or allow something to ~  2. to spread profusely or beyond bounds crowds ~ed into the streets  3. to fall from one's place (as on a horse)  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: circa 1845  1. the act or an instance of ~ing; especially a fall from a horse or vehicle or an erect position  2. something ~ed  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e; akin to Middle Low German spile thin stick, peg  Date: 14th century  1. a wooden splinter  2. a small roll or twist of paper or slip of wood for lighting a fire ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v. (past and past part. spilt or spilled) 1 intr. & tr. fall or run or cause (a liquid, powder, etc.) to fall or run out of a vessel, esp. unintentionally. 2 a tr. & intr. throw (a person etc.) from a vehicle, saddle, etc. b intr. (esp. of a crowd) tumble out quickly from a place etc. (the fans spilled into the street). 3 tr. sl. disclose (information etc.). 4 tr. Naut. a empty (a sail) of wind. b lose (wind) from a sail. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of spilling or being spilt. b a quantity spilt. 2 a tumble or fall, esp. from a horse etc. (had a nasty spill). 3 Austral. the vacating of all or several posts of a parliamentary party to allow reorganization. Phrases and idioms spill the beans colloq. divulge information etc., esp. unintentionally or indiscreetly. spill blood be guilty of bloodshed. spill the blood of kill or injure (a person). spill over 1 overflow. 2 (of a surplus population) be forced to move (cf. OVERSPILL). Derivatives spillage n. spiller n. Etymology: OE spillan kill, rel. to OE spildan destroy: orig. unkn. 2. n. a thin strip of wood, folded or twisted paper, etc., used for lighting a fire, candles, a pipe, etc. Etymology: ME, rel. to SPILE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) пролитая жидкость проливать; разливать(ся) 2) просыпь (из вагонетки, скипа при загрузке или транспортировке) просыпаться 3) сварка непровар 4) метал. волосовина 5) метал. спель 6) транзитный сброс через водосбросное сооружение (в случае отсутствия попуска); объём транзитного сброса 7) выход потока (на пойму) 8) (деревянная) пробка (бочки) 9) (табачная) гильза spill from power plant — транзитный сброс через гидроагрегаты ГЭС; объём транзитного сброса через гидроагрегаты ГЭС; to spill over a dam — переливаться через плотину; to spill over banks — выходить из берегов - oil spill - reservoir spill - surplus water spill ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  (транзитный) сброс (избытка воды через водосбросное сооружение) перелив воды ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) затычка 2) перепускной 3) потерянный 4) проливать 5) пролитый 6) расплескивать 7) расслой 8) раструшивать 9) терять - spill fuel - spill nozzle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. осколок, щепка 2. жгут из бумаги (для раскуривания трубки, зажигания свечей и т. п.) 3. бумажный фунтик 4. колышек 5. затычка, втулка, деревянная пробка 6. тех. прут, стержень 7. тех. ось, шпиндель 8. пролитие, разлитие; рассыпка, просыпка 9. то, что пролито, просыпано 10. разг. падение (с лошади, из экипажа, с велосипеда и т. п.) to have (to get) a spill —- упасть, свалиться 11. разг. поток, ливень 12. гидр. водослив 13. сл. мелкая взятка 14. сл. выпивка 15. (часто spill over) проливать, разливать; расплескивать to spill blood —- пролить кровь, совершить кровопролитие 16. (часто spill over) проливаться; разливаться; расплескиваться some gravy spilled on the tablecloth —- немного соуса пролилось на скатерть 17. (часто spill over) просыпать, рассыпать to spill the salt —- рассыпать (просыпать) соль 18. (часто spill over) просыпаться, рассыпаться crowds spilled into the streets —- толпы высыпали на улицу 19. разг. сбросить, вывалить (кого-л.) to spill a rider —- сбросить седока (о лошади) to be spilled out of a cab —- вывалиться из такси we were all spilled into the ditch —- мы все оказались в кювете 20. разг. свалиться (с лошади, велосипеда и т. п.) 21. разг. разбросать to spill papers over everywhere —- всюду разбросать бумаги 22. разг. проболтаться, разгласить (тайну) don't spill the secret —- об этом...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) coll. падение (с лошади, из экипажа); to have/get a spill - упасть  2) coll. поток, ливень  3) = spillway  2. v.  1) проливать(ся), разливать(ся), расплескивать(ся); рассыпать(ся); to spill blood - проливать кровь; to spill the blood of smb. - убить или ранить кого-л.  2) coll. проболтаться  3) сбросить, вывалить (седока)  4) naut. обезветрить (парус) - spill out - spill over II noun  1) лучина; скрученный кусочек бумаги (для зажигания трубки и т.п.)  2) затычка, деревянная пробка SPILL out  а) быстро выйти; As soon as the train stopped, the crowd spilled out into the station;  б) coll. проболтаться; At last he felt able to go to the police station and spill out the story of his part in the crime. SPILL over  а) перетекать, распространяться; The cities have grown so crowded that the population is spilling over into new towns;  б) развиваться, превращаться во что-л.; His keenness to get the job done spilled over into lack of consideration for the workers. SPILL printers ink печататься (об авторе) SPILL the beans  а) выдать секрет, проболтаться  б) расстроить чьи-л. планы  в) попасть в глупое положение, в беду ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. spillan "destroy, kill," variant of spildan, from P.Gmc. *spelthijanan, from PIE *spel- "to split, break off." Sense of "let (liquid) fall or run out" developed c.1340 from notion of shedding blood. Spill the beans first recorded 1919. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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